Hi, I'm Maxim Ignatev, a full-stack developer with AI expertise and design background.
Work history:

Mar 2023 - Sep 2023

Full-stack / AI developer at Mori

A next-generation genealogy software designed to foster family connections.

  • Built media gallery from the ground up, equipped with AI features such as photo restoration, image text recognition, audio transcription and translation.
  • Pioneered 'MemoryClips': A tool transforming GEDCOM files into personalized video stories. Utilized Claude LLM, Azure Text-to-Speech and Google Images Search API to produce script narratives.
  • Utilized Remotion, AWS Lambda and S3 services for scalable video rending.
ReactNodePrismaOpenAIClaudeReplicateAzureRemotionSupabaseAWS LambdaSpeechmaticsPhoto enhancementSpeech-to-textOCRFace recognitionPrompt engineeringChakra UIGEDCOM

Oct 2022 - Feb 2023

Founding engineer at Machcast

AI-driven platform designed to extract engaging moments from the long videos to distribute on short-form content social media platforms.

  • Built the media pipeline transforming long videos into the end clips.
  • Developed frontend and video editor interface to add captions, subtitles, trim, crop videos for specific platforms and apply additional effects (such as background blur).
  • Developed backend service to edit the videos using ffmpg.
  • Fine-tuned GPT model for clip title generation.
ReactNodePrismaNext.jsHasuraAssemblyAIOpenAIYoutube APIffmpgVercelAWS EC2S3RDS

Jun 2022 - Sep 2022

Frontend developer at Trialproofer

Legal case preparation tool.

  • Developed a specialized text editor, tailored specifically for capturing, organizing, and referencing legal case specifics.
  • Implemented a comprehensive note management system designed to accommodate the dynamic nature of legal workflows, facilitating the addition of supplementary chapters and ensuring logical case structuring.
  • Incorporated legal domain-specific functionalities into the editor, enabling intricate management of various law entities, such as "witness", "evidence", "authority", etc.

Mar 2022 - May 2022

Solution Architect at DM6Labs

A telemedicine company specializing in COVID-19 testing and consultations.

  • Designed and implemented an end-to-end no-code automation flow for a telemedicine service.
  • The system captures orders from Shopify, creates customer records in Zoho CRM, schedules consultations through Zoho Bookings, and informs patients of their COVID-19 PCR test results via email.
  • Utilized Zappier to bridge different platforms and automate the entire process.
  • Provided staff with comprehensive training and instructions on the new workflow, ensuring smooth adoption.
ShopifyZoho CRMZoho BookingsZappierMailgunQR Code Generation

Sep 2021 - Oct 2021

Founder at tldr.app

Text summarization Chrome Extension, powered by DistilBERT model.

  • Developed a unique interaction method for on-the-fly text summarization.
  • Utilized Huggingface API and DistilBERT model to act as a summarization model.
  • Attracted potential investment interest but opted not to proceed due to uncertainties about market demand.
Chrome ExtensionHuggingFaceLLMText summarization
Indie project

Aug 2021 - Sep 2021

Founder at type-j

A Chrome extension powered by GPT-J, designed to aid writers in overcoming writer's block by offering contextually relevant text suggestions.

  • Invented an iterative text generation approach, where users start with a single word suggestion and progressively build upon it - to phrase, sentence, paragraph, section, and ultimately full-scale articles/chapters.
  • At each step, users are offered several context-aware choices that build cohesively upon their previous selections.
  • Halted development due to uncertainty in pinpointing a target market, coupled with concerns about commercial viability.
Chrome ExtensionGPT-JLLMText generation
Indie project

Jun 2020 - Dec 2020

Co-founder at Calmpaper

A community platform that allows writers to progressively publish their books, gain feedback and receive donations.

  • Joined as a technical founder and took the lead in executing the project.
  • Built the platform from scratch within two weeks, enabling users to publish their books chapter-by-chapter, receive comments and engage with their audience.
  • We didn't hit the instant product-market fit, so the founder decided to pivot to reduce chapters size to 140 words (for content to be more engaging). Then this assumption didn't work and it was decided to pivot again, now to manga-like visual stories format.
  • Eventually, the different visions and inability to find the product-market fit led us to part ways with the founder.

Mar 2020 - Apr 2020

Mobile developer at MyFit

Fitness application showcasing resistance bands training tutorials.

  • Developed and released mobile applications (iOS and Android) using no-code platform "Bravo Studio" with the collection of resistace bands training videos.
  • Integrated DatoCMS for managing application's content.
  • Additionally developed a Progressive Web Application (PWA) to provide users with the seamless web access and additional features.
ReactBravo StudioDatoCMSPWA

Oct 2018 - Jun 2019

Full-stack engineer at Voicestory

Community chat widget for websites.

  • Joined as the technical founder to advance the development of a community-focused chat widget, building upon existing groundwork.
  • Managed a team of three developers, while also contributing hands-on development work.
  • Faced challenges in balancing team management and hands-on development, which impeded feature completion.
  • Due to the complexities of merging hands-on development with team management, and subsequent delays in feature roll-out, the project was transitioned to another development team.

Jan 2018 - Jun 2018

UI/UX Designer at Hostaway

Unified property management solution for property owners.

  • Initiated redesign of the dashboard, providing a complete overhaul from its previous version.
  • Designed the mobile application.
  • Collaborated closely with the development team to ensure the correct application of the designs, providing necessery adjustments when needed.
SketchZeplinOrigami StudioFramer

Sep 2017 - Dec 2017

UI/UX Designer at Chronos

Comprehensive time-tracking solution for JIRA.

  • Designed the desktop application's UI/UX, offering deep Jira integration so users can view tickets, see attachments, comment, change status, easily track time and switch between projects.
  • Designed the Jira extension interface, enabling users to view and manage worklogs as well as generate reports, such as financial billing based on hourly rates.
  • Designed and developed marketing page, highlighting its core functionalities and value propositions to promote the product.
  • Worked in tandem with the team at Web-pal to bring the product to launch.

Apr 2016 - Jun 2018

Junior/Middle Software Developer at Web-pal

Served in a multi-faceted role at an agency, focusing on both internal tool development and client-focused outsourced projects.

  • Advanced from a junior developer position to a middle-level role, eventually taking on leadership duties and guiding my first junior developer.
  • Engaged in a mix of outsourced client projects and development of internal agency tools.
  • Worked collaboratively with a team, contributing to various projects and ensuring client satisfaction.
ReactReact NativeElectronReact RouterReduxRedux-thunkRedux-sagaExpress.jsPostgreSQLBootstrapstyled-componentsantd